Privacy & Cyber Security

Where’s your lock for cyber space?

Remember when having a good security system meant having dead bolt locks on your doors? Those days are long gone. Now your most critical security issues lie in cyber space. Data privacy and security are critical risk management issues. Our attorneys provide legal counsel to the business, operations, and legal aspects of gathering and protecting information about consumers, customers, employees and others.

We leave no stone unturned when it comes to protecting your security.

We take an integrated approach to data privacy, by considering:

  • Employment and employee privacy issues
  • Safeguarding company electronic information and assets
  • Protection of intellectual property
  • Protection of personally-identifiable information
  • Incident response
  • Implementation of privacy policies
  • Website use
  • Reporting/disclosure obligations
  • Crisis management when a security breach occurs.

We’ll help you be proactive when it comes to protecting your security.

To find out how the attorneys of Davis, Agnor, Rapaport & Skalny, LLC can help you be safe in cyber space, call us at 410.995.5800 or email an attorney from our Intellectual Property and Technology Law Practice Group.